Unholy Matrimony

As the wedding photographer stood outside the church, he fumbled with his camera, trying desperately to get it to work. But no matter what he did, it just wouldn't flash, leaving him unable to capture any photos of Alice and John's special day.
Alice's grandmother watched from the pews, her eyes filled with worry as she saw the photographer struggling. She knew that something was amiss, and she feared that this strange camera malfunction was a sign of something much darker.
"Don't do it, child," her grandmother warned, her voice shaking. "That man is the devil himself."
Alice just laughed, dismissive of her grandmother's fears. She was getting married today, and nothing was going to stop her.
"He's just a man, grandma," she said, kissing the old lady’s cheek. "And I love him."
"Love is blind, Alice," her grandmother's words heavy with sadness. "You'll see. He'll do more than break your heart."
Alice didn't want to listen to her grandmother's negativity. She was getting married to the man of her dreams.
John was everything Alice could ever manifest in a man. He was tall, dark, handsome, and to her mother’s pleasure, he was loaded.
"You need to find a man who can provide and take you up North, away from the dirt of Mississippi," her mother continued to tell her from the moment she began dating; Alice couldn't help but feel frustrated and disillusioned. She knew that her mother was only looking out for her best interests, but it seemed like all she cared about was money and material possessions.
"Don't give yourself to just anybody." But John wasn’t just anybody; he was the man who could provide a hundred times over. It's rumored that his great-grandfather was a slave master in Mississippi who took his great-grandmother as his lover. “One look at him; you just know he was the master’s child.” Alice’s grandmother always failed to keep her thoughts to herself. “He passes as white, but everyone in Mississippi knows he ain’t nothing but a mulatto.”
His grandfather took a liking to John over his pure white son and left him over thirty million dollars when he died. Being an investment banker, John knew how to grow his money and became one of Mississippi's first Black billionaires; now, Alice would be his bride.
"I do," Alice said, her voice shaking with emotion as she looked into John's eyes.
"I do," John repeated, his voice filled with love and adoration.
They were finally married. As they turned to walk back down the aisle, Alice saw the look of triumph in John's eyes. He had won her, just like he had won everything else in his life.
Alice's heart swelled with love for him as they walked back down the aisle hand in hand. She knew they would face challenges together, but she was confident they could overcome anything as long as they were together. However, John's demeanor changed once they were alone in their honeymoon suite. He suddenly became violent, grabbing Alice and throwing her against the wall.
"You're mine," he snarled at her, his eyes filled with rage. "No one else is going to have you."
Over the next few weeks, John's true colors began to show. He was possessive, controlling, and abusive. Alice was a prisoner in her home, afraid to leave or disobey John's orders.
Alice was terrified as she realized marrying John was a mistake. She thought he was the man of her dreams, but she was wrong. He was a monster.
One day, after being beaten and raped by John, Alice had had enough. She packed a bag and ran away to her grandmother's house.
"Alice, tell me what happened," her grandmother said, her voice shaking with concern.
"He's a monster, grandma," Alice said, tears streaming down her face. "He beats me and rapes me all of the time. Finally, I can't take it anymore."
"Oh, child," the old woman said, pulling Alice into a comforting embrace. "We'll get rid of him. I know some powerful spells. We'll use them to send him away and bring you a new husband who will love and cherish you.”
Alice nodded, her face buried in her grandmother's shoulder. She knew she could trust her grandma to help her. Together, they would make sure John was gone for good.
The old woman began to chant in a language Alice didn't understand as she stirred a pot of boiling water. Then she had Alice add some of John's possessions to the mix, including his wedding ring.
"This will bind him to you no longer," her grandmother hissed. "He will never be able to hurt or control you again."
Alice felt a sense of relief wash over her as she watched the ring dissolve in the boiling water. Finally, finally, she was free from John and his abuse. She would never have to worry about him again, thanks to her grandmother's spells.
The next day, Alice found John's lifeless body swinging in front of their estate. He hanged himself from the top balcony. The shock and terror of seeing her husband dead, just days after their fight, was too much for Alice. She collapsed on the ground, wailing in grief.
Alice was relieved when her grandmother’s magic finally worked, and John died. She had been through so much with that man and was finally free. But as she looked at his body, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of terror. What if someone found out? What if they thought she had killed him? She knew she would have to be careful now; anything less would draw suspicion.
Victor was too charming. He swept her off her feet, and she had been trying to remain single for at least six months after John's death, but it was no use. Only two months had passed, and she found herself in his arms. She knew the city was gossiping, but she didn't care.
Victor was different than John. He was shorter and not as rich; he wasn't rich, but he did pretty well for himself. His smile melted Alice's heart, and together, they eloped.
A year of roses for no reason, followed by champagne and long nights of passion between Alice and Victor, was the norm until everything crashed. Victor loved women, and many of their numbers lined his Rolodex and drained his bank account.
Despite Victor's charming demeanor, it soon became clear that he was a con artist who was using Alice's money to fund his extravagant lifestyle. He lavished her with gifts and expensive dinners, but he was also secretly spending her money on a string of women.
Alice had been struggling to get the money that she was owed after John's death, as many shady companies were holding up the funds. She could only receive a fraction of what she was entitled to with limited resources.
As time went on, Alice began to suspect that Victor had something to do with all of this. She started digging into his past and discovered disturbing rumors about his involvement in illegal activities and criminal organizations.
Alice had her suspicions early on in their marriage about Victor's fidelity; she just never thought it would get this bad. Then, one day while going through his phone records (again), she found out that he had been seeing another woman - right under her nose! The pain she felt couldn't be understood as she realized that her life was a sham. All those late nights at work were only an excuse so that he could see his other woman…
Terrified by what she had uncovered, Alice knew that she needed to get away from Victor before he could hurt her any further. Still haunted by the memory of her late husband and devastated by the loss of their hard-earned wealth, Alice fled in the middle of the night with nothing but the clothes on her back. Her nightmare was far from over, but at least now she felt she had a chance at survival.
Alice's heart raced as she heard, "Your card was declined." She had been so careful to only use Victor's credit card for necessary things, like groceries and bills. But now she was on a revenge shopping spree to heal her broken heart, trying to buy a pair of shoes she couldn't afford, and his card was declined. She knew he was spending too much on women, but she never thought it would come to this. He had always been able to provide for them, and even though they weren't rich, they were comfortable. But now?
Now she didn't know what they would do.
The sales clerk tried to be helpful, but Alice just wanted to get out of there. She could feel the other customers staring at her, wondering why her card was declined. She could feel the shame and humiliation spreading through her body like wildfire.
"I'm sorry, mam, did you hear me? Your American Express declined." The sales clerk was now getting impatient with Alice.
"Can I please speak to your manager?" Alice was starting to get frantic. She had no money, and Victor refused to pick up her calls.
"I am the manager." The sales clerk said with a smirk.
"Can you please give me a pair of shoes on credit?" Alice was now begging. "I promise I will pay you back."
"Get out of my store before I call security." The sales clerk said before snatching the red bottoms out of her grasp.
Alice could feel the stares of the other women waiting in line as she held her head down to leave.
"Hey, weren’t you married to that investment banker, John?" a young woman with cocoa skin and long flowing hair stood in front of Alice, blocking the exit. She was so gorgeous with her almond-shaped eyes and full, pink lips.
"Yes, I am," Alice said, trying to walk around her.
"He's been cheating on you." The woman said with a smirk.
"Excuse me?" Alice said, stopping in her tracks.
"Your husband has been cheating on you with many other women and me." The woman said before walking away, leaving Alice standing there in shock.
Staring at the beautiful stranger in disbelief, Alice struggled to escape the shadow of her late husband. Despite having moved on and found happiness with another man, she could not shake the image of her former husband's infidelity that seemed to haunt her at every turn.
It was as if he were a ghost, always lurking just beyond her sight, taunting her with his unfaithfulness. And even though she tried to leave him behind, his shadow continued to follow her like a curse, bringing fear and hopelessness wherever she went.
Alice felt her heart sink as other women came closer and closer; it was as if they all agreed to ambush her. She had always known that John was a cheater, but she had never expected this. These women were all different shades of skin and hair, and they were laughing at her and calling her a fool.
She tried to run away, but they surrounded her. They told her that John had been sleeping with them for months, sometimes after he had been with Alice. They laughed at her and called her a fool.
The terror grew in Alice's chest until she finally couldn't take it anymore. She dived into her car and sped away, hitting two pedestrians. She didn't care, though - all she could think about was getting away from those women.
When her car started to sink into the murky water below, she realized what she had done. The impact of the fall had been so significant that everything was a blur. She saw John's face, laughing at her from beyond the grave. She had failed to break his hold on her even after death.
The water was cold and dark, and it quickly began to fill up her car. She struggled to get out, but the doors were jammed.
The last thing she saw before the darkness claimed her was John's face, leering at her with triumph.